The Multiply by Six Million Project

Portraits and Personal Narratives of Holocaust Survivors

The Multiply by Six Million Survivor Research Archive

The Survivor Research Archive was created to encourage and facilitate research of survivor's portraits and stories.

All photographs were taken by Evvy Eisen. Texts were written by survivors for this project.

Evvy Eisen retains all copyrights to photographs and texts.

Names of survivors in the Multiply by Six Million exhibits are marked with an *

Names of survivors photographed in France are underlined. Their texts are available in French and English.


  • Dina Angress   
    photo text
  • Hans Angress   
    photo text
  • Ida Apeloig
    (Photographed with her husband Marcel)   
    photo text
  • Marcel Apeloig
    (Photographed with his wife Ida)   
    photo text
  • Lynn and Louis Baars and their daughter Leah   
    photo text
  • Oro Benveniste   
    photo text
  • Daniel Beresniak   
    photo text
  • Jaqueline Berkowicz   
    photo text
  • Odette Borlant
    (Sister of Henri and Léon - Photographed separately and together)   
    photo text
  • Robert Burac   
    photo text
  • * Louis deGroot   
    photo text
  • * Andre Gabany   
    photo text
  • Janine Godkine
    (Photographed with her husband Georges)   
    photo text
  • Ida Grinspan   
    photo text
  • Maurice Hartstein   
    photo text
  • Evelyne Herman
    (Photographed with her husband Roger)   
    photo text
  • Roger Herman
    (Photographed with his wife Evelyne)   
    photo text
  • Rachel Jedinak   
    photo text
  • Serge Klarsfeld   
    photo text
  • * Hedy Krasnobrod   
    photo text
  • * Fanny Krieger   
    photo text
  • Alfred Lakritz
    (Photographed with his brother Herb)   
    photo text
  • Herb Lakritz
    (Photographed with his brother Alfred)   
    photo text
  • Nelee Langmuir   
    photo text
  • Jutta Organek
    (Photographed with her husband Bernard)   
    photo text
  • Jeannette Pachter   
    photo text
  • Madeleine Peltin   
    photo text
  • Nicole Pila
    (Photographed with her husband Karol)   
    photo text
  • Jeanette Ringold   
    photo text
  • Paul Ryzman   
    photo text
  • Brigitte Samuel   
    photo text
  • Nelly Scharapan   
    photo text
  • * Paul Schwarzbart   
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  • Madeleine Senior   
    photo text
  • Marcel Sztejnberg   
    photo text
  • Huguette Vidore   
    photo text
  • Edith Wellisch
    (Photographed with her husband Eugen)   
    photo text
  • Henri Wilkowski
    (Photographed with his wife Marie Claire)   
    photo text
  • Marie Claire Wilkowski
    (Photographed with her husband Henri)   
    photo text
  • Yvette Wirtschafter   
    photo text
  • Lea Zigelman
    (Photographed with her husband Victor)   
    photo text