Edited versions of Selected Survivor Testimonies
- Jacques Altmann
photo text - Maurice Asa
photo text - Pola Ash
photo text - Roma Barnes
photo text - Gabriel Benichou
photo text - Régina Blumen
photo text - Henri, Odette, and Leon Borlant
photo text - Henry Bulawko
photo text - Louis deGroot
photo text - Knud Dyby
photo text - Helen and Joe Farkas
photo text - Andre Gabany
photo text - Ruth Geoffey
photo text - Marianne Gerhart
photo text - Nancy Grosso and Nancy Pedersen
photo text - Clara Hilt
photo text - Marcel Jabelot
photo text - Martin Kahane
photo text - Richard Kimelman
photo text - Serge Klarsfeld
photo text - Esther Kozlowski
photo text - Hedy Krasnobrod
photo text - Fanny Krieger
photo text - Karel Langer
photo text - Leah Laskowski
photo text - Ernest and Erwin Levy
photo text - Gerda Levy
photo text - Martha Londner
photo text - William Lowenberg
photo text - Gabriella Mautner
photo text - Erika Meier
photo text - Bernard Offen
photo text - Regina Oppenheimer
photo text - Alan Peters
photo text - Elizabeth, John, and Renata Polt
photo text - Elizabeth Pschorr
photo text - Sam Reselbach
photo text - Hella and Frank Roubicek
photo text - Paul Ryzman
photo text - Paul Schwarzbart
photo text - Shelomo Selinger
photo text